Project Cooperative Cars

The CoCar project focuses on fundamental research for C2C (Car-to-Car) and C2I (Car-to-Infrastructure) communication using cellular mobile communication technologies for future cooperative vehicle applications. Five partners from the telecommunications and automotive industries are developing platform-independent communication protocols and innovative system components. These components will be prototyped, implemented, and validated in selected applications. The project will identify and demonstrate innovative perspectives and potential future enhancements of cellular systems to support cooperative, intelligent vehicles.

Initially, potential application scenarios will be specified, data flows and information content analyzed, and the communication requirements of cellular C2C and C2I applications identified. Traffic and communication models will also be developed.

A network load and latency simulator will be created, with its behavior verified against a broad spectrum of telematics applications and related communication models. The simulation results will lay the groundwork for subsequent technical feasibility studies and will also identify future demands for cellular network evolutions. Extensible multi-party vehicular application protocols for global deployments will be developed and evaluated within the scope of the project.

CoCar is a project within the Aktiv framework. Although CoCar is an independent project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), there is close cooperation with the other two projects, Aktiv-AS and Aktiv-VM, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi). The results achieved in these projects will be demonstrated in a joint presentation after approximately two years of research.

Project Partners:
The research partners of the CoCar project include Daimler AG, Ericsson GmbH, MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG, Vodafone Group R&D Germany, and Volkswagen AG.

2 ½ years

Project Cost / Funding:
4 million € / 2 million €

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